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Moo Canoes

Moo Canoes

Sport und Freizeit
Shadwell, London
Symbol für Tipps und Bewertungen7 Tipps und Bewertungen
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  • Beliebt
  • Vor kurzem
  • Tonnvane W.
    Tonnvane WiswellAugust 14, 2013
    Canoe and kayak trips plus coaching .... Great fun!
  • Dan
    DanAugust 17, 2014
    Wear shorts, the water drips off the oars and drenches your legs.
  • Dan
    DanAugust 16, 2014
    Dont go the route with with the locks unless you want to do a mini assault course.
  • Becky H.
    Becky HilyerAugust 10, 2013
    The only tip you need: do this it's fun!!!!
  • Dan
    DanAugust 16, 2014
    Bring cash no cards accepted.
  • Kaylie M.
    Kaylie MAugust 16, 2014
    You will get wet.
  • Kaylie M.
    Kaylie MAugust 16, 2014
    The route with the locks is pretty hard.
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