To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe
Kakawa Chocolate House is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

1. Kakawa Chocolate House

1050 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
Geschäft für Nachspeisen · Downtown Santa Fe · 56 Tipps und Bewertungen
Santa Fe Plaza is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

2. Santa Fe Plaza

100 Old Santa Fe Trl., Santa Fe, NM
Platz · Downtown Santa Fe · 51 Tipps und Bewertungen
Second Street Brewery is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

3. Second Street Brewery

1814 2nd St, Santa Fe, NM
Brauerei · 22 Tipps und Bewertungen

4. Marcy Street Card Shop

75 W Marcy St (Washington), Santa Fe, NM
Geschenkladen · Downtown Santa Fe · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Whole Foods Market is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

5. Whole Foods Market

753 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Lebensmittelgeschäft · 18 Tipps und Bewertungen
Trader Joe's is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

6. Trader Joe's

530 W Cordova Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Lebensmittelgeschäft · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen
Santa Fe Farmers Market is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

7. Santa Fe Farmers Market

1607 Paseo de Peralta (at S Guadalupe St), Santa Fe, NM
Bauernmarkt · Historic Guadalupe · 21 Tipps und Bewertungen
Starbucks is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

8. Starbucks

191 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
Coffee Shop · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen
Regal Santa Fe is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

9. Regal Santa Fe

3474 Zafarano Drive, Santa Fe, NM
Kino · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

10. Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

217 Johnson St, Santa Fe, NM
Kunstmuseum · Downtown Santa Fe · 38 Tipps und Bewertungen

SantaFeRedSantaFeRed: Small, beautiful, and the most of O'Keeffe you'll see anywhere!

Roque's Carnitas is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

11. Roque's Carnitas

East San Francisco St (Old Santa Fe Trail), Santa Fe, NM
Mexikanisches Restaurant · Downtown Santa Fe · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

SantaFeRedSantaFeRed: Street eats, need we say more?

Palace of the Governors is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

12. Palace of the Governors

105 W Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM
Platz · Downtown Santa Fe · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen
Lensic Performing Arts Center is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

13. Lensic Performing Arts Center

211 W San Francisco St (Galisteo St), Santa Fe, NM
Konzerthalle · Downtown Santa Fe · 10 Tipps und Bewertungen

SantaFeRedSantaFeRed: The go-to for live performance in downtown Santa Fe!

Bandelier National Monument is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

14. Bandelier National Monument

Los Alamos, NM, Los Alamos, NM
Nationalpark · 30 Tipps und Bewertungen

SantaFeRedSantaFeRed: See how the old ones - the Anasazi - lived in days gone by.

Pecos National Historical Park is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

15. Pecos National Historical Park

Pecos, NM
Nationalpark · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

SantaFeRedSantaFeRed: Just a short drive from Santa Fe, a mission ruin with glorious views.

dulce is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

16. dulce

1100 Don Diego Ave (btwn W. Cordova Rd. & Camino De Los Marquez), Santa Fe, NM
Bäckerei · 16 Tipps und Bewertungen

Clarissa L.Clarissa Lovato: Great 4-shot latte and fresh cranberry orange muffins

Tomasita's is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

17. Tomasita's

500 S Guadalupe St, Santa Fe, NM
Mexikanisches Restaurant · Historic Guadalupe · 57 Tipps und Bewertungen

Clarissa L.Clarissa Lovato: Awesome swirls

Atrisco Cafe & Bar is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

18. Atrisco Cafe & Bar

193 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
Mexikanisches Restaurant · 10 Tipps und Bewertungen
Sanbusco Market Center is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

19. Sanbusco Market Center

Santa Fe, NM
Einkaufszentrum · Historic Guadalupe · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen
Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Café is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

20. Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Café

1620 Saint Michaels Dr, Santa Fe, NM
Veganes und vegetarisches Restaurant · 13 Tipps und Bewertungen
Five & Dime General Store is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

21. Five & Dime General Store

58 E San Francisco St (at Don Gaspar Ave), Santa Fe, NM
Apotheke · Downtown Santa Fe · 12 Tipps und Bewertungen
Devargas Center is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

22. Devargas Center

123-149 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
Einkaufszentrum · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Collected Works Bookstore is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

23. Collected Works Bookstore

202 Galisteo St #A (Water St), Santa Fe, NM
Buchhandlung · Downtown Santa Fe · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen
Garcia Street Books is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

24. Garcia Street Books

Garcia (Acequia Madre), Santa Fe, NM
Buchhandlung · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Blue Corn Cafe And Brewery is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

25. Blue Corn Cafe And Brewery

133 E Water St (at Gausteo St), Santa Fe, NM
Brauerei · Downtown Santa Fe · 50 Tipps und Bewertungen
Flying Star Café is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

26. Flying Star Café

500 Market St (btwn Sanbusco Center And Farmers Market), Santa Fe, NM
Diner · Historic Guadalupe · 27 Tipps und Bewertungen
Backroad Pizza is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

27. Backroad Pizza

1807 2nd St #1, Santa Fe, NM
Pizzeria · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen
Bert's Burger Bowl is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

28. Bert's Burger Bowl

235 N Guadalupe St, Santa Fe, NM
Burger-Imbiss · Downtown Santa Fe · 13 Tipps und Bewertungen
Harry's Roadhouse is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

29. Harry's Roadhouse

96 Old Las Vegas Hwy, Santa Fe, NM
Amerikanisches Restaurant · 37 Tipps und Bewertungen
Tecolote Cafe is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

30. Tecolote Cafe

1203 Cerrillos Rd (at Monterey/Baca), Santa Fe, NM
Frühstücksplatz · 41 Tipps und Bewertungen
Tune-Up Cafe is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

31. Tune-Up Cafe

1115 Hickox St (at Cortez St), Santa Fe, NM
Mexikanisches Restaurant · 79 Tipps und Bewertungen
Zia Diner is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

32. Zia Diner

326 S Guadalupe St, Santa Fe, NM
Diner · Historic Guadalupe · 26 Tipps und Bewertungen
Maria's New Mexican Kitchen is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

33. Maria's New Mexican Kitchen

555 W Cordova Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Mexikanisches Restaurant · 67 Tipps und Bewertungen

Allyson L.Allyson Lupovich: order their margaritas...and that is all.

Cross Of The Martyrs is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

34. Cross Of The Martyrs

600 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
Aussichtspunkt · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

Vanessa B.Vanessa Bowen: Bring your camera!

Canyon Road Galleries is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

35. Canyon Road Galleries

Canyon Road (Canyon Road), Santa Fe, NM
Kunstgalerie · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen

Rachael F.Rachael Fargerson: Most unique street ive ever walked down

The Shed is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

36. The Shed

113 E Palace Ave (at Washington Ave.), Santa Fe, NM
Mexikanisches Restaurant · Downtown Santa Fe · 126 Tipps und Bewertungen

Red C.Red Cell: Order Red not Green here. The Green is great, but the Red is outstanding.

Bobcat Bite is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

37. Bobcat Bite

420 Old Las Vegas Hwy, Santa Fe, NM
Burger-Imbiss · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen
Sprouts Farmers Market is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

38. Sprouts Farmers Market

199 Paseo De Peralta (at N Guadalupe St), Santa Fe, NM
Bauernmarkt · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen
Dale Ball Trails @ Upper Canyon is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

39. Dale Ball Trails @ Upper Canyon

1094 Sierra, Santa Fe, NM
Andere Naturgebiete · 1 Tipp
Cowgirl Grill is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

40. Cowgirl Grill

319 S Guadalupe St (at Aztec St.), Santa Fe, NM
Grill-Imbiss · Downtown Santa Fe · 79 Tipps und Bewertungen

Megan S.Megan Stroup: Servers are super friendly! We went on Valentine's Day and they gave us free chocolate-covered strawberries. Inside smells like BBQ, which I loved but you might not.

Todos Santos is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

41. Todos Santos

125 E Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM
Süßwarenladen · Downtown Santa Fe · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen
Marble Brewery Tap Room is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

42. Marble Brewery Tap Room

60 E San Francisco St #313, Santa Fe, NM
Brauerei · Downtown Santa Fe · 44 Tipps und Bewertungen
Travel Bug is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

43. Travel Bug

839 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
Reisen und Transport · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen
Palace Restaurant And Saloon is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

44. Palace Restaurant And Saloon

142 Palace Avenue (Grant Street), Santa Fe, NM
Amerikanisches Restaurant · Downtown Santa Fe · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

Lucia V.Lucia Vanderwolk: Just like the od days!

Jambo Cafe is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

45. Jambo Cafe

2010 Cerrillos Rd (St Michaels), Santa Fe, NM
Afrikanisches Restaurant · 42 Tipps und Bewertungen
The French Pastry Shop is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

46. The French Pastry Shop

100 E San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM
Bäckerei · Downtown Santa Fe · 46 Tipps und Bewertungen
Ecco Espresso & Gelato is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

47. Ecco Espresso & Gelato

105 E Marcy St, Santa Fe, NM
Café · Downtown Santa Fe · 26 Tipps und Bewertungen
Starbucks is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

48. Starbucks

3899 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Coffee Shop · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen
Santa Fe Baking Co. Cafe is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

49. Santa Fe Baking Co. Cafe

504 W Cordova Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Bäckerei · 32 Tipps und Bewertungen
The Betterday Coffee Shop is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

50. The Betterday Coffee Shop

905 W. Alameda St. (Solana Center), Santa Fe, NM
Coffee Shop · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen
Holy Spirit Espresso is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

51. Holy Spirit Espresso

225 W San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM
Coffee Shop · Downtown Santa Fe · 19 Tipps und Bewertungen
317 Aztec is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

52. 317 Aztec

317 Aztec St (Guadalupe St), Santa Fe, NM
Coffee Shop · Downtown Santa Fe · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen
Station Coffee House is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

53. Station Coffee House

530 S Guadalupe St (Manhattan), Santa Fe, NM
Coffee Shop · Historic Guadalupe · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen
Starbucks is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

54. Starbucks

106 W San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM
Coffee Shop · Downtown Santa Fe · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen
Del Charro is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

55. Del Charro

101 W. Alameda St (at Don Gaspar), Santa Fe, NM
Sports Bar · Downtown Santa Fe · 62 Tipps und Bewertungen
The Pantry Restaurant is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

56. The Pantry Restaurant

1820 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Diner · 83 Tipps und Bewertungen
Atomic Grill is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

57. Atomic Grill

103 E Water St (at Don Gaspar Ave), Santa Fe, NM
Amerikanisches Restaurant · Downtown Santa Fe · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen
Second Street Brewery on the Railyard is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

58. Second Street Brewery on the Railyard

1607 Paseo de Peralta Ste 10, Santa Fe, NM
Brauerei · Historic Guadalupe · 29 Tipps und Bewertungen
C G Higgins Confections is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

59. C G Higgins Confections

Santa Fe, NM
Geschäft für Nachspeisen · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Cathedral Basilica of St Francis of Assisi is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

60. Cathedral Basilica of St Francis of Assisi

131 Cathedral Pl (at E San Francisco St), Santa Fe, NM
Kirche · Downtown Santa Fe · 10 Tipps und Bewertungen
San Miguel Mission is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

61. San Miguel Mission

401 Old Santa Fe Trl (De Vargas), Santa Fe, NM
Kirche · Downtown Santa Fe · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

62. St. Anne's Parish

511 Alicia St, Santa Fe, NM
Kirche · 1 Tipp
The Ark Bookstore is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

63. The Ark Bookstore

133 Romero St, Santa Fe, NM
Buchhandlung · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

64. Books of Interest

311 Aztec St (Guadalupe), Santa Fe, NM
Buchhandlung · Downtown Santa Fe · 1 Tipp

65. Mind Over Matter Bookstore

santa fe plaza, Santa Fe, NM
Buchhandlung · Downtown Santa Fe · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

66. Snowdens Books

333 Montezuma Ave (Guadalupe), Santa Fe, NM
Buchhandlung · Downtown Santa Fe · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Dale Ball North Trails is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

68. Dale Ball North Trails

Hyde Park Road (Sierra Del Norte), Santa Fe, NM
Wanderweg · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
El Molero Fajita Stand is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

69. El Molero Fajita Stand

E San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM
Imbisswagen · Downtown Santa Fe · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen
New Mexico Museum of Art is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

70. New Mexico Museum of Art

107 W Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM
Kunstmuseum · Downtown Santa Fe · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen
New Mexico History Museum is one of To-Do Before Leaving Santa Fe.

71. New Mexico History Museum

113 Lincoln Ave, Santa Fe, NM
Geschichtsmuseum · Downtown Santa Fe · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen