Matt Cozzolino

Matt Cozzolino

Marietta, GA
  • 3 Tipps
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  • 2 Listen

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3 Tipps
Matt Cozzolino
0 aktualisierte Orte
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Matt Cozzolino
3 aktualisierte Orte
3 Orte einschließlich LA Fitness, QuikTrip, Publix
Matts ListenListen, die Matt erstellt hatListen, denen Matt folgt
"It's a gym so I go here to workout, not talk or complain. That being said the front desk staff is pretty subpar and aren't friendly at all. Some equipment shows wear but overall an okay gym"
Matt CozzolinoMatt Cozzolino · April 6, 2015
· Marietta, USA
"Lots of good snacks. Fajita rolls, buffalo chicken hot dogs, hot dogs, value priced soda and doughnuts. The breakfast is also very good albeit a little pricey ($2). Cigarettes cost $1.25 more though."
Matt CozzolinoMatt Cozzolino · März 8, 2015
· Marietta, USA
"Clean and organized inside. Subs, desserts, and fried chicken is great. Staff is mediocre"
Matt CozzolinoMatt Cozzolino · März 8, 2015
· Marietta, USA