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Alle Listen in Liverpool anzeigen 9 aktualisierte Orte
9 Orte einschließlich Sofia Tennis Club, Тенис клуб "Заимов" / MG Tennis Club Zaimov, Тенис клуб София (Sofia Tennis Club), Тенис кортове
1 aktualisierte Orte
1 Ort einschließlich Hotel Sun Palace
'Katyas Listen Listen, die 'Katya erstellt hat Listen, denen 'Katya folgt
"We had a great meal. Very quick and delicious."
· Liverpool, Vereinigtes Königreich
5.5 "Absolutely perfect to play in the evening 7 - 8:30 at summertime and it's not as packed as other clubs. Just make sure you book your court in advance."
· Sofia, Bulgarien