Heldenplatz is one of Budapest.

1. Heldenplatz

(Hősök tere)
Hősök tere (Dózsa György út), Budapest, Budapest
Platz · Városliget · 247 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Burgpalast is one of Budapest.

2. Burgpalast

(Budavári Palota)
Budai Vár, Budapest, Budapest
Burg · Budavári Palota · 231 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Széchenyi Thermalbad is one of Budapest.

3. Széchenyi Thermalbad

(Széchenyi Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda)
Állatkerti körút 9-11., Budapest, Budapest
Wellness · Városliget · 509 Tipps und Bewertungen
Café Gerbeaud is one of Budapest.

4. Café Gerbeaud

Vörösmarty tér 7-8., Budapest, Budapest
Café · Lipótváros · 365 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Joey: Amazing breakfast and coffee (according to quora)
Vásárcsarnok | Central Market is one of Budapest.

5. Vásárcsarnok | Central Market

Vámház krt. 1. (Fővám tér), Budapest, Budapest
Bauernmarkt · Központi Vásárcsarnok · 380 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Joey: Quora: "I take everyone from out of town there! Do your souvenir shopping there, no where else!! The market has everything and is the cheapest. You can go right across the street to Vaci Utca and get totally ripped off."
Budapest Bagel Kálvin is one of Budapest.

6. Budapest Bagel Kálvin

Baross u. 4., Budapest, Budapest
Bagel-Laden · Budapest VII. kerülete · 88 Tipps und Bewertungen
Fricska is one of Budapest.

7. Fricska

Dob u. 56-58. (Erzsébet krt.), Budapest, Budapest
Gaststätte · Zsidónegyed · 49 Tipps und Bewertungen
Olimpia vendéglő is one of Budapest.

8. Olimpia vendéglő

Alpár u. 5., Budapest, Budapest
Restaurant · Budapest VII. kerülete · 37 Tipps und Bewertungen
Citadella is one of Budapest.

9. Citadella

Citadella sétány 1, Budapest, Budapest
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Budapest XI. kerülete · 149 Tipps und Bewertungen
St.-Stephans-Basilika is one of Budapest.

10. St.-Stephans-Basilika

(Szent István Bazilika)
Szent István tér 1. (Hercegprímás u.), Budapest, Budapest
Kirche · Lipótváros · 242 Tipps und Bewertungen
Parlamentsgebäude is one of Budapest.

11. Parlamentsgebäude

Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3., Budapest, Budapest
Parlamentsgebäude · Kossuth Lajos tér · 325 Tipps und Bewertungen
Waiznergasse is one of Budapest.

12. Waiznergasse

(Váci utca)
Váci u., Budapest, Budapest
Fußgängerzone · Váci utca · 124 Tipps und Bewertungen
Ferenc-Deák-Platz is one of Budapest.

13. Ferenc-Deák-Platz

(Deák Ferenc tér)
Deák Ferenc tér, Budapest, Budapest
Platz · Belváros · 92 Tipps und Bewertungen
Kettenbrücke is one of Budapest.

14. Kettenbrücke

(Széchenyi lánchíd)
Lánchíd, Budapest, Budapest
Brücke · Várnegyed · 144 Tipps und Bewertungen
Fischerbastei is one of Budapest.

15. Fischerbastei

Budai várnegyed, Budapest, Budapest
Aussichtspunkt · Halászbástya · 285 Tipps und Bewertungen
Szent István Bazilika tetőtéri kilátó is one of Budapest.

16. Szent István Bazilika tetőtéri kilátó

Szent István tér 1., Budapest, Budapest
Aussichtspunkt · Lipótváros · 26 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Joey: Quora: "Standing in front of it is beautiful. You might as well pay the very very cheap price to go to the top as well. You will get a 360 view of Budapest"
Große Synagoge is one of Budapest.

17. Große Synagoge

(Dohány utcai zsinagóga)
Dohány u. 2. (Wesselényi u.), Budapest, Budapest
Synagoge · Zsidónegyed · 65 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Joey: Quora: "Second largest in the world (largest is in NY)"
Szimpla Kert is one of Budapest.

18. Szimpla Kert

Kazinczy u. 14. (Wesselényi u.), Budapest, Budapest
Kneipe · Zsidónegyed · 1241 Tipps und Bewertungen
Lámpás is one of Budapest.

19. Lámpás

Dob u. 15. (Síp u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bar · Zsidónegyed · 57 Tipps und Bewertungen
Königsstraße is one of Budapest.

20. Königsstraße

(Király utca)
Király u., Budapest, Budapest
Straße · Zsidónegyed · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen
Erzsébet tér is one of Budapest.

21. Erzsébet tér

Erzsébet tér, Budapest, Budapest
Park · 70 Tipps und Bewertungen
Costes Restaurant is one of Budapest.

22. Costes Restaurant

Ráday u. 4., Budapest, Budapest
Modern-europäisches Restaurant · Budapest IX. kerülete · 42 Tipps und Bewertungen
Aquincum is one of Budapest.

23. Aquincum

Szentendrei út 137, Budapest, Budapest
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Óbuda · 13 Tipps und Bewertungen
Barako Kávéház is one of Budapest.

24. Barako Kávéház

Török u. 3. (Margit krt.), Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Felhévíz · 42 Tipps und Bewertungen
Várhegy is one of Budapest.

25. Várhegy

Castle hill, Budapest, Budapest
Aussichtspunkt · Budavári Palota · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen
Déryné Bisztró is one of Budapest.

26. Déryné Bisztró

Krisztina tér 3. (Roham u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bistro · Krisztinaváros · 236 Tipps und Bewertungen
Café Kör is one of Budapest.

27. Café Kör

Sas u. 17., Budapest
Gaststätte · Lipótváros · 90 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Joey: From "Order wine from the Lake Balaton region, a hearty plate of chicken paprikas and rice"
California Coffee Company is one of Budapest.

28. California Coffee Company

Kálvin tér 12. (Múzeum u.), Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Budapest VII. kerülete · 101 Tipps und Bewertungen
Andrássy út is one of Budapest.

29. Andrássy út

Andrássy út, Budapest, Budapest
Straße · Andrássy út · 32 Tipps und Bewertungen
Művész Kávéház is one of Budapest.

30. Művész Kávéház

Andrássy út 29. (Hajós u.), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Budapest VI. kerülete · 63 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Ungarische Staatsoper is one of Budapest.

31. Ungarische Staatsoper

(Magyar Állami Operaház)
Andrássy út 22. (Hajós u.), Budapest, Budapest
Opernhaus · Budapest VI. kerülete · 108 Tipps und Bewertungen
Klassz Étterem és Borbolt is one of Budapest.

32. Klassz Étterem és Borbolt

Andrássy út 41., Budapest, Budapest
Restaurant · Andrássy út · 111 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Joey: "the lemon ginger risotto or the zucchini cream soup"
Városliget is one of Budapest.

33. Városliget

Városliget, Budapest, Budapest
Park · Városliget · 74 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Vajdahunyad vára is one of Budapest.

34. Vajdahunyad vára

Városliget, Budapest, Budapest
Burg · Városliget · 77 Tipps und Bewertungen
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 36, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /1027913-DJPVPFAYY0QSKUDW.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: joeycarmello, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: 3, venueRole: null, bio: Checks in a lot, lastName: Carmello, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Joey, relationship: null, id: 1027913, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /joeycarmello, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 574, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: San Fransisco, CA, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: joeycarmello, gender: male, cities: null}-Avatar
Liszt Ferenc tér is one of Budapest.

35. Liszt Ferenc tér

Liszt Ferenc tér, Budapest, Budapest
Platz · Budapest VI. kerülete · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen
Menza étterem és kávézó is one of Budapest.

36. Menza étterem és kávézó

Liszt Ferenc tér 2. (Paulay Ede u.), Budapest, Budapest
Ungarisches Restaurant · Budapest VI. kerülete · 864 Tipps und Bewertungen
Ungarische Nationalgalerie is one of Budapest.

37. Ungarische Nationalgalerie

(Magyar Nemzeti Galéria)
Szent György tér 2., Budapest, Budapest
Kunstmuseum · Budavári Palota · 79 Tipps und Bewertungen
Ludwig Múzeum is one of Budapest.

38. Ludwig Múzeum

Komor Marcell utca 1 (Laczkovich utca), Budapest, Budapest
Kunstmuseum · Budapest IX. kerülete · 34 Tipps und Bewertungen
Arcade Bistro is one of Budapest.

39. Arcade Bistro

Kiss János altábornagy u. 38. (Tartsay Vilmos u.), Budapest, Budapest
Französisches Restaurant · Németvölgy · 10 Tipps und Bewertungen
Ördög Gödör is one of Budapest.

40. Ördög Gödör

Erzsébet körút 27. (Wesselényi u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bar · Budapest VII. kerülete · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen
Borssó Bistro is one of Budapest.

41. Borssó Bistro

Királyi Pál u. 14., Budapest, Budapest
Restaurant · Belváros · 42 Tipps und Bewertungen
Pesti Disznó is one of Budapest.

42. Pesti Disznó

Nagymező u. 19. (Mozsár u.), Budapest, Budapest
Ungarisches Restaurant · Budapest VI. kerülete · 110 Tipps und Bewertungen
MÁK restaurant is one of Budapest.

43. MÁK restaurant

Vigyázó Ferenc u. 4. (Akadémia utca, Nador utca), Budapest, Budapest
Ungarisches Restaurant · Lipótváros · 150 Tipps und Bewertungen
Gellért-hegy is one of Budapest.

44. Gellért-hegy

Gellért tér, Budapest, Budapest
Berg · Budapest XI. kerülete · 120 Tipps und Bewertungen
Szabadság híd is one of Budapest.

45. Szabadság híd

Szabadság híd, Budapest, Budapest
Brücke · Budapest IX. kerülete · 57 Tipps und Bewertungen
Frici Papa Kifőzdéje is one of Budapest.

46. Frici Papa Kifőzdéje

Király u. 55., Budapest, Budapest
Ungarisches Restaurant · Zsidónegyed · 140 Tipps und Bewertungen
KicsiZso Reggeliző Kávézó is one of Budapest.

47. KicsiZso Reggeliző Kávézó

Frankel Leó u. 11., Budapest, Budapest
Frühstücksplatz · Víziváros · 19 Tipps und Bewertungen
Gül Baba Türbéje is one of Budapest.

48. Gül Baba Türbéje

Mecset u. (Gül Baba u.), Budapest, Budapest
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Rózsadomb · 47 Tipps und Bewertungen
Pizza Me #1 / La Pizza di Mamma Sophia is one of Budapest.

49. Pizza Me #1 / La Pizza di Mamma Sophia

Király u. 20., Budapest, Budapest
Pizzeria · Budapest VI. kerülete · 133 Tipps und Bewertungen
Náncsi Néni Vendéglője is one of Budapest.

50. Náncsi Néni Vendéglője

Ördögárok út 80., Budapest, Budapest
Ungarisches Restaurant · Budapest II. kerülete · 83 Tipps und Bewertungen
Belvárosi Disznótoros is one of Budapest.

51. Belvárosi Disznótoros

Károlyi Mihály u. 17., Budapest, Budapest
Ungarisches Restaurant · Belváros · 126 Tipps und Bewertungen
Castro Bistro is one of Budapest.

52. Castro Bistro

Madách Imre tér 3., Budapest, Budapest
Bistro · Zsidónegyed · 285 Tipps und Bewertungen
Belvárosi Disznótoros is one of Budapest.

53. Belvárosi Disznótoros

Király u. 1/D, Budapest, Budapest
Ungarisches Restaurant · Zsidónegyed · 79 Tipps und Bewertungen
Asztalka is one of Budapest.

54. Asztalka

Döbrentei u. 15. (bejárat az Attila úton), Budapest, Budapest
Geschäft für Nachspeisen · Tabán · 63 Tipps und Bewertungen
Molnár's Kürtőskalács Kávézó is one of Budapest.

55. Molnár's Kürtőskalács Kávézó

Váci utca 31., Budapest, Budapest
Café · Váci utca · 70 Tipps und Bewertungen
Costa Coffee is one of Budapest.

56. Costa Coffee

Andrássy út 2. (Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út), Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Andrássy út · 70 Tipps und Bewertungen
Zoska Reggeliző Kávézó is one of Budapest.

57. Zoska Reggeliző Kávézó

Ferenczy István u. 28, Budapest, Budapest
Frühstücksplatz · Belváros · 165 Tipps und Bewertungen
Butter Brothers is one of Budapest.

58. Butter Brothers

Lónyay u. 22. (Mátyás u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bäckerei · Budapest IX. kerülete · 169 Tipps und Bewertungen
Budapest Baristas is one of Budapest.

59. Budapest Baristas

Múzeum krt. 15., Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Belváros · 97 Tipps und Bewertungen
Ruben Étterem is one of Budapest.

60. Ruben Étterem

Magyar u. 12-14. (Ferenczy István u.), Budapest, Budapest
Osteuropäisches Restaurant · Belváros · 123 Tipps und Bewertungen
Comme Chez Soi is one of Budapest.

61. Comme Chez Soi

Aranykéz u. 2., Budapest, Budapest
Französisches Restaurant · Belváros · 127 Tipps und Bewertungen