"100 hours of STUDENTS IN FREE ENTERPRISE, "S.I.F.E.," will give you a Presidential Award, and move your resume', to the top level in three. As an elective, you also get in the time as a class."
· San Marcos, USA
"One Club offered at Central Texas College was S.I.F.E., & and we learned "S.I.F.E.," was an Elective, at Texas State. Now both the College mentioned, & T.S.U., have it as an elective. Great Benefit!"
· San Marcos, USA
"Cats are really neat. :)"
Zuhause (privat)
· New York City, USA
"This is a really odd place, considering whom I am, and status. I study here a lot, and have planed to bring Intelligence into this rural area, for the benifit of many good families, that need security"
"Be kind to people whom wishes privacy. As my phone locked up hours ago attempting to say. . So sorry. God Bless This Home. am_/^\_ frequency modulation. Peaceful Reposed."
Zuhause (privat)
· Pittsburgh, USA
"If you want honesty, loyalty, and to discover a true fortune, overlook what you see from great distances, and invest your life with me. For what we may do with our sweet time, may help save our world."