Jenny Law

Jenny Law

HK girl🇭🇰. Dessert lover🍰. Love eating🍴, shopping👜, exploring new places🆕🚩. Love traveling around the world✈🌎 FOLLOW to get tips around the world❗

Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
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Aktuelle Listen von Jenny
Jenny Law
12 aktualisierte Orte Juni 13, 2016
12 Orte einschließlich Women' Secret, Bertrand, Bertrand, Ale-Hop
Jenny Law
17 aktualisierte Orte November 10, 2021
17 Orte einschließlich Terreiro da Sé, Sé Catedral do Porto, Sant'Ana, Jardim da Cordoaria
Jenny Law
8 aktualisierte Orte Juni 13, 2016
8 Orte einschließlich Foz do Douro, Castelo da Foz, Jardim do Passeio Alegre, Pavilhão Da Água
Jenny Law
4 aktualisierte Orte Juni 11, 2016
4 Orte einschließlich Miragaia, Jardim das Virtudes, Museu do Vinho do Porto, World of Discoveries
Jenny Law
18 aktualisierte Orte November 10, 2021
18 Orte einschließlich Lanidor, Lisbon Shop - Pátio da Galé, SEPHORA, Livraria Bertrand
Jenny Law
2 aktualisierte Orte Juni 6, 2016
2 Orte einschließlich Lisboa Story Centre, Mercado da Ribeira
    Aktuelle Tipps von Jenny
    "Nice all day breakfast. Big portion for $108. Fruit tea tastes good too."
    Jenny LawJenny Law · März 15, 2017
    · 元朗区, Hongkong
    "The price of set lunch is reasonable. The portion of food is actually bigger than I thought. Just one problem is that they don't have enough tableware, probably because of lunch hour."
    Jenny LawJenny Law · September 14, 2016
    · Ho Man Tin, Hongkong
    "Most of the food is good! Reasonable price. Just have to mention that the drinks taste a bit weird."
    Jenny LawJenny Law · September 14, 2016
    · Mong Kok, Hongkong
    "Where a post card lover must come! Their drinks are nice too, although they are a bit pricy."
    Jenny LawJenny Law · July 20, 2016
    · Hong Kong, Hongkong
    "The chicken is tasty, but quite thirsty after eating it because of the seasoning."
    Jenny LawJenny Law · July 17, 2016
    · 旺角, Hongkong
    "The environment of the shop is a lot better after moving downstairs"
    Jenny LawJenny Law · July 9, 2016
    · Hong Kong, Hongkong