"Join the 110th Harley-Davidson anniversary and watch for the Jeep® Wrangler on a special off-road trial: we are waiting for you in Ostia #110HD #freedomlovers"
· Ostia, Italien
"Insider Jeep: no te pierdas el exclusivo centro spa YHI Wellness - Insider by Jeep: do not miss the exclusive YHI Wellness Spa."
· Barcelona, Spanien
8.2"Insider Jeep: Acercate si quieres encontrar al ultimo miembro de la familia Escribà, Antoni, apodado “el Mozart del chocolate” - Come here to meet Antoni Escribà called the "Mozart of chocolate"."
· Barcelona, Spanien
7.9"Insider Jeep: no te pierdas el aperitivo en la playa frente al mágico atardecer sobre Barcelona. - Do not miss the beach aperitif in front of the magic Barcelona sunset."
· Barcelona, Spanien
8.6"Desde unos baños con Dj a su elegancia natural, es una experiencia que no te puedes perder - Even going to the toilet is an experience not to be missed. The first thing you see is a DJ station!"
· Barcelona, Spanien
8.7"Insider Jeep: desafía tus amigos a crear tu propio Martini cocktail- Insider by Jeep: challenge your friends in making your own martini cocktail."
· Barcelona, Spanien