James Vanecko

James Vanecko


Chicago, IL
  • 4 Tipps
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  • Chicago
  • La Grange Park
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Top-Städte von James
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La Grange Park
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James Vanecko
2 aktualisierte Orte Dezember 30, 2012
2 Orte einschließlich Xsport Fitness Pool & Jacuzzi, The Brown Elephant
James Vanecko
3 aktualisierte Orte
3 Orte einschließlich Everleigh Social Club, Bohemian National Cemetery, Renegade Handmade
James Vanecko
7 aktualisierte Orte
7 Orte einschließlich Mary's Morning Mix Up, The Publican, Kuma's Too, Julius Meinl Coffee House
    "The owner, Sam is an amazing guy. Very helpful and friendly."
    James VaneckoJames Vanecko · November 10, 2012
    Coffee Shop
    · Chicago, USA
    "Such a great shelter. They also have birds, rabbits, and other small mammals. Never has that gross shelter smell. You can tell they really care for their animals."
    James VaneckoJames Vanecko · Oktober 26, 2012
    Geschäft für Haustierartikel
    · La Grange Park, USA
    "The owner is really sweet, he really wants his diners to walk away happy. It helps that the food is wonderful. Get the borscht!"
    James VaneckoJames Vanecko · Juni 12, 2012
    · Chicago, USA
    "Don’t come here unless you are invited first. ;)"
    James VaneckoJames Vanecko · August 23, 2010
    Zuhause (privat)
    · Chicago, USA