Gonzaga University Campus
Gonzaga University is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

1. Gonzaga University

502 E Boone Ave (N Hamilton St), Spokane, WA
Universität · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen

Pete V.Pete Voss: Learn yo'self somethin'

2. St Aloysius Church

330 E Boone Ave (N Astor St), Spokane, WA
Kirche · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: Don't forget to attend the Mass of the Holy Spirit on on Wed, Sept 14. Kick off the year right by joining the Gonzaga community together, regardless of your religious affiliation or beliefs. Join us!

College Hall (Arts & Sciences) is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

3. College Hall (Arts & Sciences)

502 E Boone Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Hochschulverwaltung · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This is Gonzaga's admin building, with tons of classrooms and the Magnuson Theatre!

Crosby Student Center is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

4. Crosby Student Center

502 E Boone Ave (MSC # 2516), Spokane, WA
Studierendenzentrum · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: From 9am - 4pm on August 26th-29th (all four days of Orientation Weekend 2011), pick your Orientation packets and get your questions answered from the Orientation-Core and group leaders

McCarthey Athletic Center is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

5. McCarthey Athletic Center

801 E Boone Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Hochschul-Basketballplatz · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen

Taylor R.Taylor Reed: G-O-N-Z-A-G-A

Foley Center Library is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

6. Foley Center Library

502 E Boone Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Hochschulbibliothek · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen
Jepson School of Business is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

7. Jepson School of Business

502 E Boone Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Hughes Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

8. Hughes Hall

429 E Boone Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude für Naturwissenschaften · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Herak School of Engineering is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

9. Herak School of Engineering

1000 E Boone Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude für Ingenieurwesen · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: The Herak Center is the home to Gonzaga's School of Engineering and Applied Science

Paccar Center for Applied Science is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

10. Paccar Center for Applied Science

502 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Hochschullabor · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

11. Rosauer Center for Education

714 E. Boone Ave. (Gonzaga Univ), Spokane, WA
Hochschule und Universität · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This is the J.M. & Jessie Rosauer Center for Education

Tilford Center is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

12. Tilford Center

111 E. Desmet (Desmet & Division), Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude für Kommunikation · 1 Tipp
Music Mansion is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

13. Music Mansion

303 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude für Kunst · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: The Monaghan Mansion is home to the music department

Music Annex is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

14. Music Annex

Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude für Kunst · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Music Annex 2 is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

15. Music Annex 2

301 E Sharp Ave (E Sharp Ave & N Lidgerwood St), Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude für Kunst · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Human Physiology (Exercise Science) is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

16. Human Physiology (Exercise Science)

1110 N. Pearl (on N Pearl St), Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude für Naturwissenschaften · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Women's & Gender Studies, Environmental Studies Building is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

17. Women's & Gender Studies, Environmental Studies Building

311 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Hochschulgebäude · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
St. Gregory Choral Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

18. St. Gregory Choral Hall

128 E. Boone Ave (on corner of N Pearl St), Spokane, WA
Unterrichtsraum · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

19. U.S. Bank ATM

429 East Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Geldautomat · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: Located in the Crosby Student Center, the friendly staff here can help you with all your banking needs. There is an ATM open 24/7 in the back of Crosby too!

Patterson Baseball Complex & Washington Trust Field is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

20. Patterson Baseball Complex & Washington Trust Field

801 E Boone Ave (Spokane Falls Blvd.), Spokane, WA
Baseballstadium · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: Come watch our baseball team with all the other Zag fans

Martin Centre is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

21. Martin Centre

702 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Hochschulsporthalle · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Rudolf Fitness Center is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

22. Rudolf Fitness Center

502 E Boone Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Hochschulsporthalle · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This is where students can work out or play in the gym. We even have a pool and racquetball courts!

Jundt Art Museum is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

23. Jundt Art Museum

202 E Cataldo Ave, Washington
Kunstmuseum · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: The Jundt Art Center and Museum hosts many collections. Check out the amazing chandelier inside!

Cataldo Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

24. Cataldo Hall

Spokane, WA
Hochschulverwaltung · 1 Tipp
Study Abroad Office is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

25. Study Abroad Office

315 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Hochschulverwaltung · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Unity Multicultural Education Center (UMEC) is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

26. Unity Multicultural Education Center (UMEC)

709 E Desmet Ave, Spokane, WA
Hochschule und Universität · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Robinson House is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

27. Robinson House

Spokane, WA
Hochschulverwaltung · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Huetter Mansion (Alumni House) is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

28. Huetter Mansion (Alumni House)

503 E. Sharp Ave (Addison), Spokane, WA
Hochschule und Universität · 1 Tipp
Bishop White Seminary is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

29. Bishop White Seminary

1301 N Addison St (on corner of E Sharp Ave and N Addison St), Spokane, WA
Spirituelles Zentrum · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Faber House is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

30. Faber House

1104 E Boone Ave (Desmet), Spokane, WA
Hochschule und Universität · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This university ministry house is named after Bl. Peter Faber

Crosby House is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

31. Crosby House

Zuhause (privat) · 1 Tipp
DeSmet Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

32. DeSmet Hall

602 E. Boone (Standard), Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 1 Tipp
Welch Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

33. Welch Hall

1117 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This dorm is for girls only! Campus security is also located in the basement.

St. Catherine St. Monica Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

34. St. Catherine St. Monica Hall

816 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: Better known as C/M, this all-freshman dorm is tons of fun

Coughlin is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

35. Coughlin

816 N Cincinnati St, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: Gonzaga's newest dorm was built in 2009, with classrooms and a coffee shop inside

Madonna Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

36. Madonna Hall

Studentenwohnheim · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This residence hall is where Madonnastock, the annual campus music festival, originated.

Crimont Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

37. Crimont Hall

1321 North Standard Street, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Kennedy Apartments is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

38. Kennedy Apartments

Spokane, WA
Zuhause (privat) · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This upperclassman apartment complex is home to Duff's and the satellite ZagShop, with tons of Bulldog clothing

Goller Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

39. Goller Hall

600 E Sharp Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Dillon Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

40. Dillon Hall

Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Alliance House is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

41. Alliance House

608 E Boone Ave (on N Dakota St), Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Chardin Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

42. Chardin Hall

711 E Sharp Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Roncalli Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

43. Roncalli Hall

711 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Campion Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

44. Campion Hall

1210 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

45. Cushing Hall

1250 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Twohy Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

46. Twohy Hall

801 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This is a suite-style residence hall

Lincoln House is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

47. Lincoln House

701 East Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Dooley House is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

48. Dooley House

318 E Sharp Avenue, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: The Dooley House is a suite-style residence hall

Marian Hall is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

49. Marian Hall

900 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Dussault Apartments is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

50. Dussault Apartments

204 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Corkery Apartments is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

51. Corkery Apartments

600 E Sharp Ave, Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 1 Tipp
Burch Apartments is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

52. Burch Apartments

(along E Sharp Ave), Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
301 Boone Apartments is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

53. 301 Boone Apartments

301 E Boone Ave (on N Lidgerwood St), Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
River Inn is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

54. River Inn

700 N Division St (at the Red Lion), Spokane, WA
Studentenwohnheim · 1 Tipp
COG (Markertplace) by Zag Dining is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

55. COG (Markertplace) by Zag Dining

710 E Desmet Ave, Spokane, WA
Mensa · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

56. The Marketplace Express by Zag Dining

429 E Boone Ave (Inside Cataldo Hall), Spokane, WA
Mensa · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

57. Crosby Cafe

E Boone Ave (Standard St.), Spokane, WA
Café · 1 Tipp

58. Spike's by Zag Dining

OF E Boone Ave, BSMT (Desmet), Spokane, WA
Burger-Imbiss · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

59. SubConnection

702 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
Sandwich-Laden · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

60. LoCro Market by Zag Dining

N. Dakota St. (Lower Crosby), Spokane, WA
Food-Court · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

61. Freshens by Zag Dining

502 E Boone Ave (Inside the Rudolf Fitness Center), Spokane, WA
Saftbar · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

62. Duff's Bistro by Zag Dining

121 E. Boone Ave (Inside Kennedy Apartments), Spokane, WA
Café · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

63. Tilford's Cafe by Zag Dining

111 E Boone Ave (Inside Tilford), Spokane, WA
Café · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

64. Barney's Cafe by Zag Dining

816 E Boone Ave (Inside Coughlin Hall), Spokane, WA
Café · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

65. Jazzman's Cafe

429 E Boone Ave. (Inside Cataldo Hall), Spokane, WA
Coffee Shop · 1 Tipp

66. Cafe Lawte

721 N Cincinnati St (Inside GU Law School), Spokane, WA
Café · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Saint Ignatius (Fountain) is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

67. Saint Ignatius (Fountain)

400 E Sharp Ave, Spokane, WA
Skulpturengarten · 1 Tipp

Gonzaga UniversityGonzaga University: This iconic statue of Saint Ignatius and the attached fountain is located right in front of College Hall.

68. Orientation 2011

(At Gonzaga University)
Universität · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Zag Shop is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

69. Zag Shop

801 E. Desmet Ave Spokane, WA 99202, Spokane, WA
Uni-Buchladen · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Mulligan Field is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

70. Mulligan Field

E Boone Ave, UPPR, Spokane, WA
Hochschule und Universität · 1 Tipp

71. Lake Arthur

300 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
See · 1 Tipp
Quad Field is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

72. Quad Field

502 E North Dakota St (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Schulhof · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Thomas Hammer is one of Gonzaga University Campus.

73. Thomas Hammer

339 E Boone Ave (in Jepson at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Coffee Shop · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

74. Foley Field

(at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Schulhof · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

75. Health Center

702 E. Sharp Ave (at Gonzaga University), Spokane, WA
Arztpraxis · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen

76. Student Chapel

502 E Boone Ave (in College Hall), Spokane, WA
Kirche · 1 Tipp