Before you wrinkle your nose at this unconditioned used book store, take a look around. You just might find a literary loving intellectual like D (Don’t You Forget About Me) Mehr erfahren.
This is where it all begins. Or ends. Where S returned from boarding school, where B headed to Yale, and where D and S struck up an unlikely romance. (I Will Always Love You) Mehr erfahren.
Meet at the Ghandi Statue, the one landmark in NYC, where the West side and the East side converge . . . and where D met his own Eastern-philosophy spouting pseudo-soul mate (Only in Your Dreams) Mehr erfahren.
N bought B a heart necklace here—but this sparkly Fifth Avenue store has always been there for B, and I can't say the same for N. Stop by for breakfast. BYO glazed cruller. (I Will Always Love You) Mehr erfahren.
Sweat is rarely sexy, unless we’re talking about watching shirtless St. Judes boys work out. Come to work out . . . but stay for the show. Mehr erfahren.
Their enamel bangle bracelets look like calorie-free candy, and I simply can’t get enough. Neither can B—which is why C gave her two of them as a New Year’s present. (I Will Always Love You) Mehr erfahren.
Cure your carb cravings while overlooking Columbus Circle. Just try not to drool over the models slash waiters. Mehr erfahren.
Alternagirls like V cannot live on Doc Martens alone. Luckily, they can find all the ironic t-shirts and messenger bags they need right here. Mehr erfahren.
If you're anything like B, you may have come here with Nanny when you were six, but why not relive your youth—and relieve your stress—with a cup of tea at this quaint neighborhood café? Mehr erfahren.
Done with last season's DVF dress? Donate it to this charity shop that deals in couture. Or go shopping—vintage is always in, if you know how to wear it correctly. Mehr erfahren.