Gemstonn Alegre

Gemstonn Alegre

New York, NY
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Gemstonn Alegre
1 aktualisierte Orte
1 Ort einschließlich Wogies Bar & Grill
Gemstonn Alegre
1 aktualisierte Orte
1 Ort einschließlich Cupping Room Cafe
    "Fresh squeezed OJ doesn't necessarily mean all pulp and no juice... Don't get it unless u like pulp. Specially don't get it on a hot summer day because it won't quench your thirst either..."
    Gemstonn AlegreGemstonn Alegre · July 7, 2013
    · New York City, USA
    "Good food! But if you're like my brother who likes to drink Filipino Beers, they won't have that here other than that it's a decent Filipino Restaurant"
    Gemstonn AlegreGemstonn Alegre · Januar 10, 2013
    · Woodside, USA