Fabio Dian

Fabio Dian


São Paulo, Brasil
  • 3 Tipps
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Fabio Dian
3 aktualisierte Orte März 12, 2014
3 Orte einschließlich Wat Pho, Großer Palast, Temple of the Emerald Buddha
Fabio Dian
10 aktualisierte Orte
10 Orte einschließlich Cafe Wha, Koronet Pizza, Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx Zoo
Fabio Dian
21 aktualisierte Orte
21 Orte einschließlich Nha Trang, Queens Zoo, Nederlander Theatre, Starbucks
    "Entering the zoo costs 8 for adult and 6 for kids. There are plenty of attractions to kids. Sealions are fed on 11:30AM, 2 and 4 PM. Bring your own food, since there are only pricey vending machines."
    Fabio DianFabio Dian · April 28, 2013
    · Flushing, USA
    "Organization is awesome. People that complain about rudeness doesn't understand that they are INVITED to participate on a ceremony. No shoulders uncovered, no leggings, no backpacks. Also no photos!"
    Fabio DianFabio Dian · April 21, 2013
    · New York City, USA
    "Sempre me decepciona. Comida sempre fria e sem graça. Fuja dos sashimis! O rodízio de pizza parece ser melhor do que o buffet."
    Fabio DianFabio Dian · November 1, 2011
    · São Paulo, Brasilien