"Under 4sq "check-in guidelines", don't check in when ur "just walking by", such as pools & dry cleaner, since they're closed when u claim to be there. Cheating just makes it less fun for all."
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März 17, 2012"Nice try, Gustavo. Pools close at 10pm and key FOBs prevent access after that time. Guards kick stragglers out at 9:50pm. I'm sure the dry cleaner wasn't open at midnight either."
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März 16, 2012"Look out for scammers like Gustavo - he checks in at venues when they're closed to boost his check-ins and steal mayorships (this check-in was at 12:15am)"
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März 15, 2012"Watch out for scammers like Gustavo. He checks in venues when they aren't open in order to boost his check-ins and steal mayorships (this check-in was at 7:45am)"
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März 13, 2012"Watch out for scammers like Andrea. She checks in venues when they aren't open in order to boost her check-ins and steal mayorships."
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März 13, 2012"Look out for scammers like Andrea - she checks in at venues when try aren't even open in order to claim/steal mayorships! (she stole this one at 7:45am)"
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März 13, 2012