DKH Creative specializes in Web and Graphic Design, but that doesn't mean we're glued to our computers. We love to explore Chicago - the food, the sights, the entertainment - and all the while we're on Foursquare*, adding new tips for brave explorers like you. And followers of DKH Creative save 10% on all our services - 'cuz we like you too. *While we aren't glued to our computers - we said nothing of our phones.
Chicago, IL
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"Use the free WiFi when you need to eat & surf - If your boss finds out and expects you to work during every break, we'll go on record as saying all that free WiFi talk was an unsubstantiated rumor."
"Use the free WiFi when you need to eat & surf - If your boss finds out and expects you to work during every break, we'll go on record as saying all that free WiFi talk was an unsubstantiated rumor."
"Use the free WiFi when you need to eat & surf - If your boss finds out and expects you to work during every break, we'll go on record as saying all that free WiFi talk was an unsubstantiated rumor."
"Use the free WiFi when you need to eat & surf - If your boss finds out and expects you to work during every break, we'll go on record as saying all that free WiFi talk was an unsubstantiated rumor."
"Use the free WiFi when you need to eat & surf - If your boss finds out and expects you to work during every break, we'll go on record as saying all that free WiFi talk was an unsubstantiated rumor."
"Use the free WiFi when you need to eat & surf - If your boss finds out and expects you to work during every break, we'll go on record as saying all that free WiFi talk was an unsubstantiated rumor."