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DermStore Spa

DermStore Spa

Hermosa Beach
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  • Beth N.
    Beth NewbauerMärz 27, 2012
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Had my first haircut/color here and the results were ah-mazing! She got the perfect shade of brown and got rid of all the brassy tones that I had in my hair. I highly recommend.
  • Beth N.
    Beth NewbauerMärz 20, 2012
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    They provide a variety of services that include facials, waxing, hair cuts, hair color etc. This is a brand new store with beautiful decor and the staff is extremely knowledgable. I Love this place!
  • Jessika N.
    Jessika NapoliJuly 31, 2013
    Schon mehr als 25 Mal hier gewesen
    I can't get enough!! I love this place and their staff is amazing!
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