24 Hours in Denver
History Colorado Center is one of 24 Hours in Denver.

1. History Colorado Center

1200 Broadway (E 12th Ave), Denver, CO
Geschichtsmuseum · Capitol Hill · 26 Tipps und Bewertungen

ColoradoColorado: Opening in April 2012, this brand-new, high-tech, Smithsonian Affiliate museum brings Colorado history to life through stories and exhibits right in the Golden Triangle Museum District.

Colorado State Capitol is one of 24 Hours in Denver.

2. Colorado State Capitol

200 E Colfax Ave (Sherman St), Denver, CO
Parlamentsgebäude · Capitol Hill · 53 Tipps und Bewertungen

ColoradoColorado: Stand at exactly one mile above sea level on the gold-domed capitol’s steps and take a free tour of the building’s magnificent, historic interior.

United States Mint is one of 24 Hours in Denver.

3. United States Mint

320 W Colfax Ave (btwn Delaware St. & Cherokee St.), Denver, CO
Regierungsgebäude · Civic Center · 31 Tipps und Bewertungen

ColoradoColorado: The mint really knows how to make money — up to 50 million coins every day! The tour won’t cost you a dime, though, and will show you how dull metal is transformed into glittering pocket change.

Cherry Creek Shopping Center is one of 24 Hours in Denver.

4. Cherry Creek Shopping Center

3000 E 1st Ave, Denver, CO
Einkaufszentrum · Cherry Creek · 111 Tipps und Bewertungen

ColoradoColorado: The largest shopping district between San Francisco and St. Louis includes Cherry Creek North’s array of only-in-Denver specialty shops, and Cherry Creek Shopping Center’s upscale stores.

Coors Field is one of 24 Hours in Denver.

5. Coors Field

2001 Blake St (at 20th St), Denver, CO
Baseballstadium · Ballpark · 277 Tipps und Bewertungen

ColoradoColorado: See Major League Baseball’s Colorado Rockies inside one of the league’s most spectacular stadiums. With Rocky Mountain views, cool breezes and the crack of the bat, it’s a summer scene second to none.

6. Denver Beer Co.

1695 Platte St (at 17th St), Denver, CO
Brauerei · Highland · 114 Tipps und Bewertungen

ColoradoColorado: Perhaps the only thing that brings out more passion than sports is beer — and there are plenty of brewpubs to prove it. The pub’s beer garden is a popular place to hang on summer nights.