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Hier siehst du einige beliebte Tipps in Turin. Wähle eine Vorliebe, um noch mehr anzuzeigen:

Foursquare hilft dir dabei, die perfekten Orte in Turin für dich und deine Freunde zu finden:

  • 9.3

    Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile

    Museum Corso Unità d'Italia 40 Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (74 Tipps):

    • Adhith S.
      Adhith Shanmugam: "The national car museum of Italy,quiet a good collection of Italian cars.They change theme of special exhibition once or twice a month.Turin's rich car history in one roof!"
  • 9.2

    Gelateria La Romana

    Eisdiele Corso Inghilterra 31/A Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (91 Tipps):

    • shal923h
      shal923h: "Delicious gelato!!! I liked the Black Forest which has berries & the gianduja which has hazelnut chunks. They also have crepes though I didn’t get to try them"
  • 9.1

    Mercato dei Contadini

    Bauernmarkt Piazza della Repubblica Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (9 Tipps):

    • Lale P.
      Lale P: "Tanta scelta di frutta e verdura di stagione"
  • 9.4

    Piazza Castello

    Platz Piazza Castello Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (92 Tipps):

    • Mihaylo M.
      Mihaylo Milovanovitch: "The place is built in perfect summery with via Roma, the Main Street. Don’t forget to check out the Royal Gardens - just go through the courtyard of the King’s palace. It’s free and feels authentic."
  • 9.3

    Farmacia del Cambio

    Geschäft für Nachspeisen Piazza Carignano 2 Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (12 Tipps):

    • Sara R.
      Sara Radakovic: "Once pharmacy, today one of the best cake shop in Turin. Delicious cake & coffee. Very polite staff. Place you don't want to miss."
  • 9.1

    Caffè-Vini Emilio Ranzini

    Weinbar Via Porta Palatina 9/G Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (16 Tipps):

    • Pantea
      Pantea: "Sehr schönes und authentisches Café. Wir sind entzückt!"

Über diese Orte reden die Leute in Turin:

  • 9.2

    Piazza Vittorio Veneto

    Platz Piazza Vittorio Veneto Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (71 Tipps):

    • Gianfranco L.
      Gianfranco Lanzio: "If you visit Torino you can't miss this one. Biggest square in Europe."
    • Kévin K.
      Kévin K.H: "The heart of Turin's nightlife with its bars and cafés all around under the archways. You get a nice view on the Gran Madre church across the bridge."
  • 9.2

    Galleria Subalpina

    Historische und geschützte Stätte Piazza Castello, 29 Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (9 Tipps):

    • Nami K.
      Nami Kawazu: "I hoped I could read Italian very well!!! there's beautiful book store besides this beautiful architecture"
    • Susann K.
      Susann Kern: "One of the most instagrammable locations in town!Enjoy the symmetry of this old gallery."
  • 9.1

    Piazza Carignano

    Platz Piazza Carignano Turin, Piemont

    Leute sagen außerdem (15 Tipps):

    • Roberta D.
      Roberta Della Peruta: "A mio parere è la piazza più bella di Torino"
    • BITEG
      BITEG: "In this square there is Palazzo Carignano, which houses National Museum of the Italian Risorgimento. Here Biteg 2012 will have a special private dinner party for its guests"

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