Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele
Oval Lounge is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.

1. Oval Lounge

DLF IT Pk, Kalkutta, Westbengalen
Bar · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen
SEPHORA is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.


3147 Douglas Street, Unit #147A (btwn Tolmie Ave & Finlayson St), Victoria, BC
Kosmetikladen · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

Helen E.Helen Edley: The Sephora line is very affordable!

The Fairmont Empress Hotel is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.

3. The Fairmont Empress Hotel

721 Government St (btwn Humboldt St & Belleville St), Victoria, BC
Hotel · Downtown Victoria · 73 Tipps und Bewertungen

glenn l.glenn letham: Walk around, make sure you go down to the basement and look at the old photos

Starbucks is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.

4. Starbucks

3180 Douglas St, Victoria, BC
Coffee Shop · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen

ILMILM: Try to register your Starbucks card to obtain discounts and offers.

Moka House is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.

5. Moka House

345 Cook St., Victoria, BC
Coffee Shop · Fairfield · 20 Tipps und Bewertungen

ILMILM: The london fogs are very good. And it's a great place to meet people.

Best Western Premier Prestige Oceanfront Resort - Closed is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.

6. Best Western Premier Prestige Oceanfront Resort - Closed

6929 West Coast Rd, Sooke, BC
Hotel · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen

Tim A.Tim Ayres: The workout facility is great and locals can buy a membership

Rocky Mountain Soap Co. is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.

7. Rocky Mountain Soap Co.

630-3147 Douglas St (at Mayfair Mall), Victoria, BC
Kosmetikladen · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen

Rod P.Rod Phillips: If you want your kids to want to have a bath, get the Chocolate Soap.

Sabri Restaurant is one of Gespeicherte Orte von Chantele.

8. Sabri Restaurant

Indisches Restaurant · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen

Terri D.Terri Davies: I'm a big Sabris fan - they have an all-you-can-eat Indian buffet for lunch ($8) and dinner (only 12.97 I think). Dinner here and a movie at Silvercity is the perfect date night!