Did you know? Barcelona Cathedral is NOT, as many think, the Sagrada Familia. The Barcelona Cathedral is actually found in the Barri Gòtic, but is still almost as spectacular as the Sagrada!
You can pay €2.50 to go to the rooftops of this building. This Cathedral is free to visit anytime except for between 13:00 - 17:00 when a €6 donation is requested (rooftop & choir visit included).
On arrival - 8pm: Head for the great Gothic cathedral, and the tangle of medieval streets around it – you’ll get lost, everybody does, but that’s the charm of the Barri Gòtic.
13 white geese are kept in a secluded cloister, with courtyard & fountain. The specific number is based on the assertion that St. Eulalia was 13 when she was martyred. Source: Wikipedia. Photo: Church
Şimdiye kadar gördüğüm katedrallerden birazcık daha faklı, içerisi daha ihtişamlı, hepsi nasıl olsa aynı diyenler bir göz atsın. Güzel bir meydanda, sağda solda takılırsınız sonrasında.
recorrer su alrededor y prestar atención a las gargolas en la parte alta y a los artístas callejeros en la parte baja, ¡magníficos! anti Tip: el personalnes poco servicial :/ prepararse para ello
Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, a catedral de Barcelona NÃO é a Sagrada Família, mas sim, esta aqui. Uma igreja linda, com uma escadaria sempre cheia de jovens artistas e esportistas.
Великолепный готический собор. После 17:30 вход бесплатный. Стоит подняться на крышу, но не ожидайте величественной панорамы. Красивый внутренний дворик под открытым небом с упитанными гусями.
One of the city gems. Take time to just sit outside and gaze at the building for an hour or so. Btw the facade and this gorgeous roof weren’t always there :) check out the history )
Строительство продолжалось с 1298 года по 1420 год над криптой бывшей вестготской часовни. Собор построен в готическом стиле, позже были внесены элементы неоготики.
Built between the 13th and 15th centuries, but the main facade and all the visible gothic elements were added during the late 19th and early 20th century. Free outside of 1-5:30pm.
This popular Barcelona Cathedral is actually called the Cathedral of the Holy Cross & Saint Eulalia. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Source: Wikipedia
Very simple and very beautiful. Sadly in the shadow of Sagrada Familia in importance, visually. Note the hours it's open and when it's free and when they charge admission.
So beautiful, inside is even more beautiful. Always crowded. There are stairs in front of the entrance, you can sit and relax, watch people. Sad you need to pay to enter a church.
Ñ entrei, pq estava fechada, talvez por ser tarde. Mas o anoitecer em frente à Catedral já valeu a pena a visita. Linda! Com sorte, pode assistir uma ópera gratuita nos becos aos fundos da igreja.
La catedral de Barcelona, de arquitectura Gótica, es de las mas bellas que he visto, por dentro y fuera a donde mires hay detalles que admirar, un lugar super obligado en tu visita a la ciudad.
Great place, many impressive medieval arts and sculptures. Don't miss a lift to rooftop terrace with nice cityline views and stars in a middle of a church follow you down to Euluania's tomb
Stop at Catedral de la Santa Creu i Santa Eulàlia for a glimpse of some breathtaking Barcelona architecture. Did you know there are always 13 Geese kept inside? See if you can find them!
Красивейший храм. В жару возьмите с собой легкую шаль, если открыты плечи.Хотя ее можно купить у входа. Обязательно пройдите во внутренний двор! Волшебный прудик с 12 гусями и легенда о Св.Эулалии.
Tem 28 capelas laterais, com esplêndidos retábulos barrocos, a circundar a nave. A conservação dos gansos brancos nos claustros provém duma tradição centenária.
Esplêndida! Grátis a partir das 17h30 até às 19h diariamente. Só é permitida a entrada com os ombros e joelhos cobertos. Splendid! Free from 5:30-7pm daily. Dress code: shoulders and knees covered.
Katedral her yerde katedral ama bahçesi, yeşillikler içinde kuğularıyla çok güzel bir ortam olmuş.Giriş ben gittiğim günlerde nedense ücretsizdi.En kötü etrafındaki yerlerde dolaşın, meydanında gezin.
Собор святого креста. Электрич свечи за денежки зажигаются. Служба на испанском. Немного стариков. Слушал епископа и почему то думал про испанскую инквизицию
The cathedral’s interior is every bit as magnificent as you would expect, with a large principal altar and lateral altars dedicated to significant Saints. Mehr erfahren
Esta magnífica catedral gótica domina o centro da cidade. Os seus maiores atrativos são a fachada imponente e o claustro com palmeiras e gansos brancos.