Top picks for Italian Restaurants

1. Sotto Cinque

322 E 86th St (btwn 1st & 2nd Ave), New York City, NY
Italienisches Restaurant · Yorkville · 32 Tipps und Bewertungen

Cass A.Cass Anderson: The mozzarella is spicy, and does not appeal to everyone. The pesto gnocchi and the penne vodka (with spicy sausage) is unrivaled in the neighborhood.

Olive Garden is one of Top picks for Italian Restaurants.

2. Olive Garden

2 Times Sq (W 47th St), New York City, NY
Italienisches Restaurant · Theater District · 293 Tipps und Bewertungen
Farinella Bakery is one of Top picks for Italian Restaurants.

3. Farinella Bakery

1132 Lexington Ave (btw E 78th & 79th St), New York City, NY
Pizzeria · Upper East Side · 34 Tipps und Bewertungen
Prime Butcher Baker is one of Top picks for Italian Restaurants.

4. Prime Butcher Baker

1572 2nd Ave, New York City, NY
Metzgerei · Yorkville · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

AskMenAskMen: Dry-aged meat and prepared foods of Ashkenazi and Sephardic persuasion. After hours, $3K turns the shop into a one-table restaurant seating 12. Mehr erfahren.