The Driskill Bar is one of Austin.

1. The Driskill Bar

604 Brazos St (6th St), Austin, TX
Hotelbar · Downtown Austin · 117 Tipps und Bewertungen

Visit AustinVisit Austin: The Driskill bar serves up the Batini! Roll like a cattle barron at this landmark of Texas hospitality. Since 1886 the Driskill has offered luxury and great service. Just don’t longboard in the lobby.

Zilker Park is one of Austin.

2. Zilker Park

2168 Lou Neff Rd, Austin, TX
Park · Barton Hills · 157 Tipps und Bewertungen

GOODGOOD: Check out the largest of Austin's downtown parks. This is a community gathering space like no other in the city and besides, what's not good about a park?

Texas State Capitol is one of Austin.

3. Texas State Capitol

112 E 11th St (at Congress Ave), Austin, TX
Parlamentsgebäude · Downtown Austin · 223 Tipps und Bewertungen

Visit AustinVisit Austin: It's where the politicos are shaking in Texas, well, at least for 90 days every other year. And the dome is 6 ft higher than the U.S. Capitol!

Whole Foods Market is one of Austin.

4. Whole Foods Market

525 N Lamar Blvd (btwn W 5th & 6th), Austin, TX
Lebensmittelgeschäft · Downtown Austin · 403 Tipps und Bewertungen

Bon Appetit MagazineBon Appetit Magazine: This 80,000-square-foot store is a site to behold. Sign up for cooking lessons; buy fresh Texas peaches, local Pure Luck Farm goat cheese, and Flat Creek Flat Creek Estate's "Super Texan" Sangiovese.