Asseq Aloha

Asseq Aloha


Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • 22 Tipps
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  • Ulu Tiram
  • Johor Bahru
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Ulu Tiram
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Johor Bahru
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Aktuelle Listen von Asseq
Asseq Aloha
6 aktualisierte Orte Dezember 29, 2016
6 Orte einschließlich Glamour Seafood, Mydin Mall, My In Law's House, Perumahan Mara
Asseq Aloha
9 aktualisierte Orte
9 Orte einschließlich Super Bowl Sunday, Pakar Tulang Ungku Mohsin, Dapur Rimau BBQ, Pondok Santapan
Asseq Aloha
143 aktualisierte Orte
143 Orte einschließlich McDonald's, Celebrity Fitness, Paradigm Mall, Masjid Al-Makmur
    Aktuelle Tipps von Asseq
    "Nasi lemak ayam goreng yg sedap..lontong laksa johor pun 👍👍"
    Asseq AlohaAsseq Aloha · August 5, 2017
    · Johor Bahru, Malaysia
    "Satay terbaik!! Sedap gilerr! Yongtaufu pun sedap.. kat sini semua jenis makanan ada..western, local, & seafood.. cuma parking ada sikit susah.."
    Asseq AlohaAsseq Aloha · Februar 14, 2017
    Fisch & Meeresfrüchte
    · Johor Bahru, Malaysia
    "The best sushi.. great service"
    Asseq AlohaAsseq Aloha · Januar 14, 2017
    · Skudai, Malaysia
    "A dream house, no matter how fancy or big it is, is just a house. A dream HOME is filled with love, no matter how simple or small it is!"
    Asseq AlohaAsseq Aloha · Oktober 11, 2015
    Zuhause (privat)
    · Johor Bahru, Malaysia
    "It's not the material things that make a house a home, it's the family that you have inside it ❤"
    Asseq AlohaAsseq Aloha · Oktober 11, 2015
    Zuhause (privat)
    · Johor Bahru, Malaysia
    "Uolls should come here!! Terbaik western food nya!"
    Asseq AlohaAsseq Aloha · April 17, 2015
    · Johor Bahru, Malaysia