Boracay Island is one of Boracay.

1. Boracay Island

Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan
Insel · 195 Tipps und Bewertungen

Pinkie K.Pinkie Kai 🐾: Best place for great food at really reasonable prices, visit d'talipapa at Station 3.

Boracay Island is one of Boracay.

2. Boracay Island

Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan
Insel · 195 Tipps und Bewertungen

Miss_laureenMiss_laureen: Try shangri-la's happy hour:) flood urself with sangria.

Boracay Island is one of Boracay.

3. Boracay Island

Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan
Insel · 195 Tipps und Bewertungen

Ver E.Ver Estotsenberg: Check out Boracay Bucket at Station 1. Cocktails in a bucket!

Boracay Island is one of Boracay.

4. Boracay Island

Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan
Insel · 195 Tipps und Bewertungen

Maxim S.Maxim Samoylov: Kalibo to caticlan cost 200php, 1,5 hours to ride.

Caticlan Jetty Port & Passenger Terminal is one of Boracay.

5. Caticlan Jetty Port & Passenger Terminal

Aklan West Rd, Malay, Aklan
Pier · 142 Tipps und Bewertungen

Jonathan jake P.Jonathan jake Prado: Free WiFi.. No password. :)

Caticlan Jetty Port & Passenger Terminal is one of Boracay.

6. Caticlan Jetty Port & Passenger Terminal

Aklan West Rd, Malay, Aklan
Pier · 142 Tipps und Bewertungen

Apple P.Apple Pascual: Environmental fee is now Php75 and Terminal fee is Php100.