Alexa Campos

Alexa Campos

Bronx, NY
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Alexa Campos
0 aktualisierte Orte
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Alexa Campos
1 aktualisierte Orte
1 Ort einschließlich Intervale Avenue
    "This school has an alarm that goes off atleast 3 or 4 times a weeks. When it does go off it keeps ringing like a war alarm atleast for like an hour and its horrible."
    Alexa CamposAlexa Campos · Januar 28, 2011
    · Bronx, USA
    "For airport reservations, make sure you tell the dispatcher to have the driver call you back, and confirm the driver his unit number and cell phone."
    Alexa CamposAlexa Campos · Dezember 26, 2010
    · Bronx, USA