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Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island

Historische und geschützte Stätte, Insel und Nationalpark
San Francisco
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  • Hendrik G.
    Hendrik GebhardtJuni 6, 2015
    Unbedingt die Audio-Tour in Anspruch nehmen. Nur so erfährt man einige interessante Hintergründe und Erfahrungsberichte.
  • M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Die Audiotour ist wirklich empfehlenswert!
  • TanjaHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    TanjaOktober 4, 2014
    Die Audio-Tour ist sehr gut gemacht. Von Alcatraz aus hat man einen Panoramablick über die Bay.
  • Smith285Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Smith285August 28, 2022
    Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall. Ausflug in die Geschichte und zum wohl berühmtesten Gefängnis der Welt.
  • Armin H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Armin HaasApril 1, 2018
    ein muss in San Fransisco
  • Tobi D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Tobi DirksOktober 13, 2015
    Ein Traum bei Sonnenuntergang auf der Insel zu sein!
  • Jens K.
    Jens KDezember 23, 2012
    Am besten die erste Tour morgens früh nehmen, dann ist die Insel noch nicht so überlaufen.
  • Anna S.
    Anna SchirokJanuar 13, 2013
    Ein Besuch Wert ;-)
  • Wilson F.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Wilson Favre-DelerueApril 19, 2016
    A must-do for any San Francisco visit, Alcatraz remains a fascinating place with a rich history. The audio tour is well worth the time and offers magnificent city views from one of its terraces.
  • Hugo R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Hugo ReevesJuni 25, 2015
    An awesome spot to go visit, it only takes a couple of hours. The audio tour is amazing if you are on a short time schedule and want to learn as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.
    vor 3 Wochen positiv bewertet
  • Beernie H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Beernie HarrisonFebruar 13, 2013
    Go to both the night & the day trips if you can. My wife & I loved it. They have a very well produced audio tour for most of the inside. Well worth it. Say hi to Adam when you are there. Hi Adam. De
    vor 1 Woche positiv bewertet
  • Elena M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Elena MarchenkoJanuar 9, 2018
    A must visit tour! Very well organized, audio guide easy to follow and exciting to listen, picturesque view on the city. Island itself unique and beautiful! Don't forget to buy some souvenirs there 😉
  • Angel David R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    De lo mejor de las ciudad. Una maravilla de visita. La audioguía es completa, amena y divertida
  • Jeff S.
    Jeff S.März 6, 2018
    Alcatraz has been used as a Civil War fort & a Federal prison. Today, the National Park Service runs it as a tourist attraction. You’ll learn about American history & views of SF & the bay are amazing
  • Fran I.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Fran InchaustiJanuar 10, 2017
    Impresionante, se siente la energía de lo que paso allí a cada paso. La autoguia es buenisima, si sabes ingles hacerla en ese idioma ya que las voces son las originales de los guardias y prisioneros.
  • Guilherme 梅.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Guilherme 梅田November 2, 2016
    Compre seus ingressos com muita antecedēncia! Eles acabam muito rápido! E se der certo, faça o TOUR NOTURNO!! Ja fiz os dois (dia e noite) e garanto que o noturno é mais divertido!
  • Rafael Freitas S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Melhor passeio de San Francisco. Possui o audio tour em português é perfeito. Compre o ingresso com antecedência pela internet e aproveite.
  • Vinícius R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Vinícius RamosNovember 12, 2019
    Um dos melhores passeios de San Francisco . Com o tour guiado de áudio, vc conhece as instalações físicas e algumas histórias do presídio mais famoso dos EUA.
  • Daphne G.
    Daphne GoonOktober 21, 2018
    A must see attraction when you r at SF. History of the infamous prison. The audio tour was fantastic. But quite confusing sometimes on the direction where to head as you need to backtrack too.
  • Gsus S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Gsus S.S.Mai 27, 2019
    Excellent. It’s really a small space in general terms, but the audio-guided tour made us spend two hours with no complain. Cool souvenirs too and better organized than other attractions in USA.
  • Валерия И.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Безумно интересная экскурсия до мурашек по коже, очень понравилось, можно воспользоваться аудиогидом, примерно час. Советую.
  • Roma F.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Roma Flores CastrejónJanuar 18, 2017
    Took the night tour, completely worth the price of $42.50. Eerie and sad, the feeling stays with you. The audio tour is great and the workshop classes offered by the guides are really interesting.
  • Begum T.
    Begum TekinAugust 10, 2014
    Book your tickets online im advance, it sells out. Fantastic view of SF from the island. Take the audio tour!
  • Claudia G.
    Claudia GoñíaMai 24, 2016
    Este panorama es lo mejor de SF, tour con audio guía es maravilloso y esta en español. EXCELENTE
  • المهره الصعبه ماهي لأي خيال
    Historical site of the isolated island for dangerous prisoners. It was known that it is one way journey. We still don't know if someone managed to escape!
  • Liz .Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Liz 🦎September 9, 2015
    Book your tickets at least a month in advance! They have 50 tickets on the day of for the first boat at 8:45am. Get there by at least 6am to get in line (they start selling at 7:30am).
  • Nitzan B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Nitzan BJuni 2, 2017
    This is just an amazing historical site. The audio tour is really good and the view of SanFran it the cherry on top
  • NASA
    NASAJanuar 11, 2011
    Now that you have seen what Alcatraz looks like from the inside, click the link to see what it looks like from 220 miles above Earth aboard the International Space Station using an 800mm camera lens. Mehr erfahren
  • NmHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    NmMärz 4, 2016
    يوجد فيلم وثائقي يعرض قصة الجزيرة وأنصح بمشاهدته في بداية الزيارة ،، التجربة جميلة لمدة قصيرة فقط لكن لا يوجد شيء مميز .. العبارة تغادر كل 25 دقيقة ،،
  • posidonia
    posidoniaDezember 25, 2014
    The audiotour is a must! Reliving history through a vivid narration and excellent audio effects! Plan to go when weather is NOT good! The atmosphere is awesome!
  • César B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    César BlueAugust 4, 2015
    Use the audio guide, is the best way to know what happen inside this amazing bulding. This guide is included in the tour. The souvenir store is full of nice and funny things.
  • TobiasHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    TobiasJuni 14, 2019
    A very interesting historical place, which you must absolutely have seen! Early Bird is really advisable and you should take lots of time on the audio tour.
  • Madame No Name
    Madame No NameApril 24, 2013
    Adaya çiktiğınız ve hikayeleri dinlediğiniz zaman adanın etkisini ve gücünü hissedebilirsiniz! Biletler en az 4 gün önce online alınmalı! Biz şanslıydık son dakikada bilet bulduk! Mutlaka gidilmeli
  • Fodor's Travel
    Fodor's TravelAugust 21, 2015
    Take time to savor a multitude of views: the island itself on your ferry ride, the Golden Gate Bridge from the recreation yard, and the city skyline from the paths surrounding the Cell House.
  • Patricia G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Patricia GutierrezFebruar 11, 2017
    O tour através de áudio, em Português, fez toda a diferença. Os homens narrando as experiências vividas ali, nos faz imaginar o que acontecia naquela época. Visita interessante. Grata surpresa.
  • Christine L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Christine LJuly 19, 2017
    Book weeks/months in advance. Otherwise, check the website frequently for tickets that free up from cancellations, etc. (Refresh the page at tix office opening time, midday, and end of business day.)
  • Justin M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Justin McClintickNovember 17, 2013
    Plan accordingly as this tour can take up most of the day. Really historic experience! Great views from the boat ride over so bring a camera!
  • Florian C.
    Florian ColasJuly 25, 2019
    La Prison d'Alcatraz est clairement LA chose à faire absolument à San Francisco !
  • Catriona H.
    Catriona HunterJuni 30, 2016
    Fascinating place. A ferry btw 10&11am, gives plenty of time without being rushed. Take time to walk around outside and see the gardens. The ferry and the island can be cold so bring a sweater.
  • Ahmad Q.
    Ahmad QousiSeptember 12, 2012
    Beautiful view from the front yard of the cellhouse on the top of the island, every 5 minutes the view changes due to the fog that might block the view of San Francisco.
  • Luis S.
    Luis ShimabukuroAugust 25, 2014
    Se estiver por SF vale a pena conhecer a história da prisão mais famosa dos USA, além de ter uma linda vista da cidade de SF!
  • JoshHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    JoshJanuar 22, 2017
    A SF staple. A must visit if you haven't been. Book in advance to make sure you get the time and day you want to go.
  • Elisabeth L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Elisabeth LongshoreOktober 16, 2016
    The audio tour is included in your visit. Also, take the "hiking trail" up to the prison. Stairs make the climb easier.
  • Lydia B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Lydia BerkennouJanuar 26, 2015
    Take the tour audio guide with you. It's a must as it makes the tour even more incredible and exciting!
  • Rachel C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Rachel ClarkOktober 31, 2015
    Take the night tour. Pretty spooky, with the bonus that you might get to wander around the infirmary (and the Birdman's cell).
  • Caroline B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Caroline BlackSeptember 28, 2016
    Get the first or second boat out and skip the welcome when you get off the cruiser and head straight to the cell house to beat the crowds for the audio tour.
  • Suja R.
    Suja RamachandranAugust 29, 2012
    Good audio tour - worth the $28! Make sure to time your audio tour and the gift shop visit with enough time to catch a ferry without having to wait 35 minutes for the next one :)
  • Taylor L.
    Taylor LeeJuly 10, 2018
    A MUST SEE when you visit San Francisco, but make sure to buy tickets at least 2 months in advance. They can sell out really quickly.
  • ᴡ N.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    ᴡ NikeOktober 20, 2012
    Frank Morris, Clarence Anglin, John Anglin. Escape from Alkatras in 1962. REWARD for capture in $1.000.000, offered in 1993 the Red & White Fleet company, still remains unclaimed.
  • Gabriela Z.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Gabriela ZagoApril 12, 2016
    Atração surpreendentemente interessante. O tour de áudio vale muito a pena. Seria interessante poder com uma prisão de mesmo tipo (federal de segurança máxima) no Brasil.
Fotos6.922 Fotos

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