5 Pointz

5 Pointz

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Kunstgalerie, Skate-Park und Öffentliches Kunstwerk
Long Island City
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    Die Experten bei Time Out New York und The Corcoran Group empfehlen diesen Ort
    • Time Out New York
    • The Corcoran Group
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  • Lisa
    LisaAugust 30, 2013
    The must go to place if in LIC SO MUCH beauty, #graffiti #wallart. Go before the powers that have $$ tear it down to build more overpriced apts we don't need or can afford
  • Tetsuhiro G.
    Tetsuhiro GotoFebruar 26, 2014
    Great graffiti art please Open 5 pointz our over here painted huge bug wall [at] message , thus public art save feet of factory my pc. Gaming play NYC at 5 Pointz started your direct jet-pocket lists!
  • Sonya R.
    Sonya RytovaJuly 21, 2013
    Совершенно улетное место не только для граффитчиков, которые знают о нем не по-наслышке, но и совершенно не реальное место для фотографов или неплохих фотографий!))) К ПОСЕЩЕНИЮ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!!!)))
  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran GroupDezember 6, 2013
    We're still not over the fact that this graffiti art destination has been painted over and will be torn down to make room for new high rise condos. It certainly will be missed!
  • Untapped Cities
    Untapped CitiesJuly 20, 2012
    This is the largest legal aerosol exhibit in the US, possibly the world. It was founded in '93 as a haven for aerosol artists to hone and showcase their craft. See more: Mehr erfahren
  • Kate C.
    Kate CluteJuly 23, 2012
    So cool to see artists at work. Spent a lot of time talking to Share37 and looking through his scrapbooks of photos chronicling his life as a graffiti artist. A must see, truly unique New York place.
  • Morgan V.
    Morgan Von SteenMai 14, 2013
    When heading over there, ride the 7 train from Manhattan and stay glued to the North windows of the train. You'll catch a glimpse of a huge Notorious B.I.G. mural that you can't see from the street.
  • Stencilbot
    StencilbotOktober 15, 2012
    There is always new art to see here. One trip is definitely not enough! And with Space Womb Gallery next door and PS1 across the street, this is a great art day out!
  • C C.
    C CougsNovember 17, 2013
    From the 11/16/13 rally: You can help by signing the petition and #SAVE5pointz here www.nyc.gov/landmark its makes it a landmark, which it truly is! Thank ya kindly :)
  • Dave D.
    Dave DawsonSeptember 10, 2013
    If you're out biking, this place is definitely worth a ride over the Queensboro bridge (or the Pulaski, depending on where you're coming from). Scope the tags. Sneak onto the roof if you can.
  • Cut & Sew & ME
    Cut & Sew & MEOktober 11, 2011
    This place is a living collage of graffiti art. A must see. It's a converted warehouse full of artist studios. Legend and noob writers alike cover the building's façade at the discretion of the owner.
  • Lisa🌻
    Lisa🌻Oktober 13, 2013
    5Pointz is amazing. Visit before it's gone. Bring an extra camera battery because there is so much to snap. Have fun!
  • J
    JJuly 12, 2013
    Sidetour has a rather excellent tour with Meres at 5pointz which takes you to areas usually closed to public. It's $35 but well worth it
  • rejane b.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    rejane boaventuraNovember 4, 2013
    ding over here, ride the 7 train from manhattan and stay glued to the north windows. you'll catch a glimpse of a huge biggie mural that you can't see fr
  • Jon S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Jon SteinbackApril 15, 2012
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    when heading over here, ride the 7 train from manhattan and stay glued to the north windows. you'll catch a glimpse of a huge biggie mural that you can't see from the street.
  • Bianca N.
    Bianca N.Oktober 14, 2013
    Beautiful graffiti art space. Many days you can see artists working on new pieces while you're there. Go see it before it's taken down!
  • Uber NYC
    Uber NYCMärz 21, 2013
    Definitely worth an Uber ride out to LIC to check out 5 Pointz. We recommend a SideTour to get some history on the murals and graffiti.
  • Absolute H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Absolute HeavenSeptember 23, 2012
    Unbelievable artwork by talented up and coming artist I will always come back.there is always something new to see.♥♥
  • Danith Y.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Danith YongNovember 8, 2013
    A visiter vite, avant que ce ne soit démolit (si vous aimez le street art!)
  • Globetrottergirls D.
    Amazing street art! Almost like an outdoor art gallery!
  • Fiorella B.
    Fiorella BalsAugust 20, 2013
    Amazing! I place full of all kind of graffiti. Really worth the long-distance subway.
  • Johan S.
    Johan SanmartinMärz 8, 2012
    This warehouse is more about the art than the architecture of the building...truly represents the cultural identity of the neighborhood
  • LaTasha S.
    LaTasha SimmonsFebruar 8, 2012
    A very cool place displaying a great representation of the culture and history of graffiti
  • C J.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    C JOktober 31, 2016
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    It's all gone now. But the art was amazing
  • Phoenix E.
    Phoenix EJuni 21, 2013
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    This historic site will be torn down if not intervened , please help! Check out save5ptz.com to see how!
  • Luis S.
    Luis ShimabukuroDezember 29, 2014
    Conhecendo a meca do grafite em NY, muito foda!!!
  • Phoenix E.
    Phoenix EOktober 31, 2013
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
  • Tammy H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Tammy HagansNovember 19, 2013
    It hurts my heart to see it all painted over. New location + artist community = rebirth of the 5pts
  • We Heart
    We HeartMai 27, 2014
    This is what street art vandalism really looks like. #artgenocide @5PointzNYC
  • Cinty I.
    Cinty IonescuNovember 6, 2013
    Make sure to check it out, the mayor's office decided tearing it down to build a sky scrapper!
  • Nicolas B.
    Nicolas BonneelNovember 30, 2013
    It is a sad day: I ve been here a couple of times but today I saw all graffittis covered in white paint. What the owner did is similar to vandalizing all paintings in MoMA. Sad.
  • Bromberry
    BromberryOktober 13, 2013
    Don't miss the "back" of the buildings. It has better light in the afternoons.
  • C C.
    C CougsNovember 17, 2013
    Can someone ride the 7 train and get people to sign the #save5pointz petition?! I'd tag team it! :)
  • Stephanie P.
    Stephanie P.Februar 4, 2013
    So beautiful! Really wish the city would grant this building a landmark status!
  • Eduardo S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Eduardo S.July 8, 2012
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    I go here to take pictures of the murals/art. Many go to take pictures in front of the murals. I don't get it?!?
  • FernFernHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    FernFernNovember 8, 2015
    Miss this place, history gone 😢
  • Time Out New York
    Time Out New YorkSeptember 13, 2010
    While you’re there, check out the 5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center, which houses more than 350 murals.
  • B-Better Hiphop Company
    200'000 square feet of factory building manifest as a museum and gallery of graffiti art. Truly dope.
  • Mike T.
    Mike TwomeyJuni 16, 2013
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    The black-and-white photorealistic pieces blow me away every time. Unbelievable work.
  • Jackie Shmackie💋
    Jackie Shmackie💋November 9, 2013
    Demolition of 5 pointz will begin dec 2013 to make room for over priced condos. A piece of NYC history torn down
  • Bahadır
    BahadırDezember 19, 2014
    Sanat galerisine gereken ilgi gösterilmediğinden dolayı kapatılmıştır.
  • Magali S.
    Magali SimonotMai 26, 2013
    Worth the detour in the Queens!
  • Paul K.
    Paul KerMai 5, 2013
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Support 5pointz!! Buy some art!
  • Ammaro
    AmmaroNovember 20, 2013
    This place used to be the mecca of graffiti.. Whitewashed last night, to be torn down and turned into a luxury appt complex
  • Tony C.
    Tony CadillacOktober 20, 2013
    Art for life _ Streets of NY_ Home _ Fashion
  • Meghan B.
    Meghan ButlerJuly 20, 2010
    Amazing, raw artistic endeavors. Love it here - looking forward to their shindig come August.
  • Jennie P.
    Jennie PaiSeptember 2, 2013
    This place is crazy cool....but someone is threatening go tear it down....please # save5ptz on any social network....
  • Serhan B.
    Serhan BaykanJuly 28, 2013
    Sign the petition against tearing the place down and building a modern highrise!
  • Sass Conf
    Sass ConfOktober 6, 2013
  • David G.
    David GonzalezJuly 2, 2013
    Watch out for traffic cops you will get a ticket.
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