The must go to place if in LIC SO MUCH beauty, #graffiti #wallart. Go before the powers that have $$ tear it down to build more overpriced apts we don't need or can afford
Great graffiti art please Open 5 pointz our over here painted huge bug wall [at] message , thus public art save feet of factory my pc. Gaming play NYC at 5 Pointz started your direct jet-pocket lists!
Совершенно улетное место не только для граффитчиков, которые знают о нем не по-наслышке, но и совершенно не реальное место для фотографов или неплохих фотографий!))) К ПОСЕЩЕНИЮ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!!!)))
We're still not over the fact that this graffiti art destination has been painted over and will be torn down to make room for new high rise condos. It certainly will be missed!
This is the largest legal aerosol exhibit in the US, possibly the world. It was founded in '93 as a haven for aerosol artists to hone and showcase their craft. See more: Mehr erfahren
So cool to see artists at work. Spent a lot of time talking to Share37 and looking through his scrapbooks of photos chronicling his life as a graffiti artist. A must see, truly unique New York place.
When heading over there, ride the 7 train from Manhattan and stay glued to the North windows of the train. You'll catch a glimpse of a huge Notorious B.I.G. mural that you can't see from the street.
There is always new art to see here. One trip is definitely not enough! And with Space Womb Gallery next door and PS1 across the street, this is a great art day out!
From the 11/16/13 rally: You can help by signing the petition and #SAVE5pointz here its makes it a landmark, which it truly is! Thank ya kindly :)
If you're out biking, this place is definitely worth a ride over the Queensboro bridge (or the Pulaski, depending on where you're coming from). Scope the tags. Sneak onto the roof if you can.
This place is a living collage of graffiti art. A must see. It's a converted warehouse full of artist studios. Legend and noob writers alike cover the building's façade at the discretion of the owner.
ding over here, ride the 7 train from manhattan and stay glued to the north windows. you'll catch a glimpse of a huge biggie mural that you can't see fr
when heading over here, ride the 7 train from manhattan and stay glued to the north windows. you'll catch a glimpse of a huge biggie mural that you can't see from the street.
It is a sad day: I ve been here a couple of times but today I saw all graffittis covered in white paint. What the owner did is similar to vandalizing all paintings in MoMA. Sad.